Health Psychology For Entrepreneurs, Celebrities, Athletes & Leaders In Media


Learn Strategies and Life Tools For Each Area of Life

Listen to two FREE audio trainings with Dr. Elsie Blass and learn Millionaire Moves & how to Rewire + Love Reset. Enjoy emails that lead you closer to your vision, milestones, and goals.

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It's Your Time Now! 

October 2024

Revisit your business and life goals with God.  

  1. Implement a business model that the Holy Spirit has designed for you.
  2. Experience healing and growth
  3. Experience cutting-edge psychology
  4. Community access in our NEW app. 


Theme of the Month:

Each month we offer a life topic to focus on. This month we're focused on building your successful online business with the Holy Spirit.

Have you been doing things in your own strength? Are you tired, reached burnout, or have reached a financial cap or block in your income?



Have you ever considered that the Holy Spirit has a business model that is waiting for you?

Jesus says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit." (John 15:16). The great thing is that He sent a Helper to go and bear the fruit with. One who wants to do it with you. 

  • Charge your fees with the Holy Spirit: Embark on a life-changing journey to charge the prices that the Holy Spirit has chosen and allow the Spirit to position you to receive who are chosen and hand-picked by God (Jer 31:3). Draw them with your unfailing kindness. 
  • Manifest with the Holy Spirit: This is somewhat different than what the world has shown you. It's biblical training on how God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have done it and continue to do it to this day.
  • Practical, Actionable Strategies: Learn what 'casting your net on the right side,' really means. How to's and what WILL work. 
  • Community and Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals on the same journey of transformation. Share experiences, challenges, and triumphs as you navigate the path to a healthier, happier business.
  • Lifetime Access: With lifetime access to course materials, you can revisit lessons and strategies whenever you need a refresher on your journey to love and connection.

The depth and transformative experience of this course will appeal directly to those of you seeking profound changes in your business and personal development and relationships.

Clients are known to increase their monthly income and or net worth after completing this on-demand course. Available October 15. 

Join and download our app to receive access to our community.

Yes, I'm Ready!


I’ve always believed that we can change, heal, elevate, and increase. It just takes knowledge of skill, self-forgiveness, and a confident mentor who is an expert in mind redesign. 

As a Health Psychologist (PhD, 2021) and Self-Love Coach (2004), I use my educational background, my understanding of the human mind, and my passion for living a life of mental and emotional freedom to empower others to step into the liberated self.

My private VIP sessions and courses will help you make the mind, body, and soul connection to uncover the most authentic version of yourself—the most liberated of all the versions you've seen over the years.

  • Health Psychologist PhD
  • Certified Love Coach
  • Certified Holistic Life Coach
  • Certified Meditation Instructor
  • Certified in Stretch & Pilates
  • Body Builder
  • Mindset Redesign + Behavioral Scientist
  • Healer (mind, body, energy)
  • Inner Innovation Specialist
  • Teacher-led by the Holy Spirit

Read my story  ➝

Challenge of the Month

Start this simple morning routine.  When you win the morning, you win the day.

Practice and experience Talk Therapy daily.

The episode "#158 Healthy Distraction + Your Talk Therapy Practice" will teach you the steps and strategy for your new Talk Therapy Practice. 

Login to the portal
Congratulations -
the wins for last month go to:

Mary P.
Jeanna L.
Fiona U.
and Yuni H.

6 Benefits to Our Business Meetings Subscription

Business meetings, when conducted effectively, can offer a range of benefits that contribute significantly to the growth and development of a business, especially for those in the personal development sector. Here are some key benefits:

Regular updates on business performance, changes in policies, or new initiatives keep everyone in the loop. For a personal development business, ensuring that all team members are informed about the latest content, strategies, and subscriber feedback can enhance the overall effectiveness of the business.

Incorporating regular, well-structured meetings into the operation of a personal development business can significantly contribute to its growth and success by fostering a collaborative, productive, and innovative work environment.

Sign-up below!

Enhanced Communication

Regular meetings provide a platform for open communication, allowing team members to share ideas, feedback, and concerns. This can lead to improved understanding and collaboration among team members, which is crucial for a business focused on personal development, where conveying ideas and methodologies clearly is key.

Increased Productivity

Meetings can help in setting clear goals and objectives, assigning tasks, and monitoring progress. This structured approach to task management can significantly boost productivity, ensuring that everyone is aligned with the business's goals, such as creating impactful personal development courses or newsletters.


Business meetings offer an opportunity to address and solve problems collectively. In the personal development industry, brainstorming solutions to challenges like engaging content creation, course structure, or subscriber engagement strategies can be more effective when multiple perspectives are considered.

Decision Making

Meetings provide a forum for discussing and making important business decisions. For a personal development business, decisions on course topics, content delivery methods, or marketing strategies can benefit from the diverse inputs gathered during meetings.

Team Building

Regular meetings can foster a sense of team spirit and camaraderie among members. For businesses in personal development, where the focus is on growth and improvement, building a strong, cohesive team can be particularly beneficial in creating and delivering content that resonates with the audience.

Feedback + Improvment

Meetings allow for the provision and reception of feedback, which is crucial for continuous improvement. In the context of personal development, feedback on courses or newsletters can lead to enhanced content quality and delivery, ultimately benefiting the end-users.



"Before 'Rewiring Love and a Reset,' I felt stuck in a cycle of unfulfilling relationships and emotional baggage from my past. I was skeptical at first, unsure if an online course could truly make a difference. But from the very first module, I knew this experience was going to be unlike anything I'd tried before. The combination of cutting-edge psychology and practical, actionable strategies was exactly what I needed.

Each lesson felt like a step forward, helping me to understand my patterns, heal my wounds, and build the foundation for healthier, more joyful connections. The community support was incredible, too. Sharing my journey with others who were facing similar challenges made me feel understood and not alone. It's hard to put into words the profound impact this course has had on my life. I've not only learned how to better navigate my relationships but I've also discovered a deeper sense of self-love and emotional resilience.

'Rewiring Love and a Reset' has truly been a transformational journey. I'm now experiencing love and connection in ways I didn't think were possible for me. This course isn't just an investment in your relationships; it's an investment in a happier, healthier you."

Patricia G.

Frequently Asked Questions

Help Desk

Get answers from the community about the courses you are enrolled in. Simply click on the Q&A Circle.


If you can't find the answer to your questions in the FAQ's above - email us at [email protected]

Tell us what you think

Whether good or bad, we'd love to hear what you think about the Community. Feel free to pop in a testimonial, review, or thoughts on where we can improve.

Simply fill in the form and click send.

Rewire & Love Reset Testimonials


Chloe W

"Joining 'Rewiring Love and a Reset' was a decision that changed my life. I was at a point where I felt lost in my personal development journey, repeating the same mistakes in my relationships and not understanding why. This course came as a beacon of hope, offering not just theories but real, tangible tools that I could apply to my life immediately. The lessons were eye-opening, providing me with insights into my behavior and emotions that I had never considered before. The course's approach to healing and growth was gentle yet powerful, making me feel supported every step of the way. The exercises helped me to confront and heal from past traumas, allowing me to open up to love and connection in a way I had been guarding against for years. The sense of community was another unexpected gift. Being able to share my progress and learn from others' experiences enriched my journey and made me feel part of something larger than myself. Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of 'Rewiring Love and a Reset.' My relationships are deeper and more meaningful, and I've found a level of self-love and acceptance I didn't know was possible. This course didn't just teach me how to reset my approach to love; it taught me how to reset my approach to life. For anyone on the fence about joining, I can wholeheartedly say it's one of the best decisions you'll ever make for yourself."

Jean R.

"Embarking on the 'Rewiring Love and a Reset' journey was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle I didn't even know I was trying to solve. For years, I navigated through personal and professional relationships feeling like something was off, but I couldn't pinpoint what it was.

This course illuminated those hidden corners of my heart and mind, revealing patterns and beliefs that were holding me back from experiencing true connection and joy. The content was not only enlightening but profoundly impactful, blending scientific insights with practical, life-changing exercises.

Each module was a step towards self-discovery and healing, peeling back layers of doubt, fear, and insecurity that I had built up over the years. What made this course truly unique, however, was its heart-centered approach. It felt as though each lesson was crafted with care, understanding, and a deep desire to guide participants toward a life filled with love and fulfillment. But the journey didn't stop at self-awareness.

'Rewiring Love and a Reset' equipped me with the tools to actively create the relationships and life I had always dreamed of. The strategies taught were actionable and transformative, leading to breakthroughs in how I communicate, set boundaries, and express love. Moreover, the sense of community and shared growth was unparalleled. Connecting with others who were on similar paths added a layer of support and camaraderie that enriched the experience beyond measure. Today, I look back at who I was before 'Rewiring Love and a Reset' and I'm filled with gratitude for the journey. This course didn't just change my relationships; it changed me. I've emerged more confident, connected, and ready to live my life with an open heart.

To anyone considering this course, know that it's more than an investment in your personal development—it's a gateway to a new way of living and loving."

Paul N.

"Before 'Rewiring Love and a Reset,' I felt like I was walking through life with a blindfold, unaware of the patterns that governed my actions and reactions, especially in the realm of personal relationships.

This course was the gentle hand that removed the blindfold, inviting me into a world of self-awareness and profound personal growth.

From the very first module, I knew this journey was going to be unlike anything I had experienced. The course material was not only insightful but deeply resonant, speaking to the very core of my struggles with empathy and wisdom.

Each lesson built upon the last, creating a scaffold for understanding and change that felt both challenging and incredibly supportive. What truly set 'Rewiring Love and a Reset' apart was its holistic approach to transformation. It wasn't just about learning new concepts; it was about embodying them. The practical exercises pushed me to apply what I was learning in real time, leading to moments of revelation and healing that have profoundly impacted my life.

The course encouraged not just introspection but action, guiding me to make changes that have since led to more fulfilling and authentic connections. Moreover, the community aspect of the course was a treasure. Sharing this journey with others, witnessing their breakthroughs, and feeling their support added a rich layer of connection and motivation that propelled me forward. It was a reminder that, while personal development is an individual journey, it doesn't have to be a lonely one. Reflecting on my time with 'Rewiring Love and a Reset,' I am filled with gratitude. This course has equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and courage to rewrite my story. My relationships are stronger, my self-love deeper, and my life richer. For anyone standing at the threshold of this course, wondering if it's the right step, I encourage you to take the leap. It's more than a course; it's a transformation waiting to happen."